Monday, June 15, 2009

Being Nikki by Meg Cabot

Okay, before I do this review, I want to post this list that I spent a couple of weeks composing over the school year. With a little help from some friends. (Oooh, I get by with a little help from my friends!)

25 Sappy, Heartwarming, and Educational Lessons I Learned from Meg Cabot:

If you love something, let it go. If it's meant to be, it'll come back to you.

1 out of 10 people are left-handed. One out of 10 people had twins who disappeared before birth. Coincidence?

Your perfect match is someone you can argue with.

Never be outside during a thunderstorm, but if you are, DON'T seek shelter under metal bleachers.

If you're true to yourself (and your magical witch powers,) your bad luck will go away.

Popularity doesn't matter, what matters is having friends you can trust. (Which is soooo cliche, but it happens to be something I wholeheartedly agree with.)

Even if a guy seems perfect on paper, that doesn't necessarily mean he's right for you. (Unless his name happens to be Jesse de Silva.)

If you can see ghosts, don't tell people about it!

Write what you know, draw what you see.

Hate and anger can make someone very dangerous.

It sucks having a brother, but they almost make up for it by carrying your stuff and being okay once in a while.

If your friends/family/acquaintances say you'd go great with a guy, they might actually be right.

It might look fun to be a princess, but normal teenagers actually probably wouldn't like that life very much. At least tiaras are pretty.

Don't date your best friend's ex. She'll get mad, and chances are if he wasn't good enough for your friend, he's not good enough for you either.

Always wear comfortable shoes, because you never know what you'll have to do in them. (Also, never get in a car with a creeper. Especially if his name is Paul Slater.)

Preppy cheerleaders are still mean when they're dead!

Georgia O'Keefe is famous for painting vaginas.

Saving someone's life (especially the president) definitely pays off, though you might get hurt in the process.

If you have a gift (like, say, psychic powers) that you don't want to use (but people want to force you to use it) just pretend it went away. Even if they don't believe you, they'll probably stop annoying you.

Geeks make the best boyfriends.

"Before you can start trying to change the rules, you have to learn what the rules are."

Frisson: (n.) a tremor of intense excitement; evidence of attraction when between two people
It's some strong stuff.

High school: (n.) also goes under the name of hell

"Without mayonnaise, the whole sandwich just falls apart."

Exude confidence and charm in the right ways, and you can make anyone you want fall madly in love with you. Use this power wisely.


  1. Nooooo ... I wrote a really long comment, and then it suicided itself.



    I'll write it again later.

  2. ugh... Meg Cabot is so cheesy! I liked Dreamland, though; adored how she referanced Rogerson in Lock and Key. Still, her books seem rather juvenile to me... and I just stepped into my teenage years a few months ago

  3. I'm currently working on a YA, my first, and can't wait to read more of your reviews. :0) Keep it up!
